Frequently asked questions about hiring a Florida Private Investigator
Here are some frequently asked questions that we have come up with from our clients
How much does a private investigator cost in South Florida? 1. Prices range from US $75.00 per hour up to $125.00 dollars per hour.
2. Depending on the geographical area and amount of time, which could include a lower daily rate. These prices do not include expenses such as fuel, hotels, resorts, travel time to and from the case.
What is included if I hire a Private Investigator in South Florida?
1. A surveillance case for example Infidelity, child custody, insurance claims, employee theft, would include: a fully type written report and video documentation of this type of case worked in South Florida. 2. All other cases for example due diligence, background investigations, document retrieval, witness statements, homicide, missing persons would include a report and photos documenting these types of cases.
Do I have to pay a private investigator even if he/she doesn't find any evidence on my case?
1. Yes, The client must pay for the service regardless of the outcome. A private investigator/agency should offer a service contract with everything outlined as this protects the client and the investigative agency conducting the investigation.
2. The client should be aware if no service contract is offered you maybe dealing with fraud.
What if i need a private investigator right away? 1. A rush case is expensive it is billed double time as it wasn't scheduled or prepared for in due time.
Can a private investigator work internationally? 1. An international investigation is an investigation which may cross multiple jurisdictions, countries, states, or borders. They may derive from a number of different inquires, whether it be for business, personal, litigation, or even financial inquires. A private investigator can work internationally as long as he has credentials and contacts law enforcement in that county.
Is it legal to hire a private investigator in Florida?
1. Yes, it is legal to hire a private investigator in Florida. Private Investigators are licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division. Florida Private Investigators are licensed under chapter 493.0 Florida State Statues.
Can a private investigator make arrests?
1. A private investigator cannot make arrests. A private investigator can gather evidence and present it to local authorities who make the arrests.
What can private investigators do legally in Florida?
1. Private Investigators can gather evidence through surveillance and other measures in conducting an investigation. 2. A private investigator can conduct service of process. 3. A private investigator can locate dead beat parents who are not paying child support payments. 4. A private investigator can locate documents and records, 5. A private investigator can help with a homicide, wrongful death matter. 6. A private investigator can conduct fire and arson investigations if properly trained. 7. A private investigator can conduct insurance claims investigations including workers compensation claims, liability claims, slip and fall and accident scene reconstruction. 8. A private investigator can work undercover cases like employee theft, workplace violence, 9. A private investigator can locate vehicles, vessels and aircraft. 10. A private investigator can conduct non compete clauses which are signed by employees so as to not steal clients away from their employer.
What are the signs that your spouse is cheating? Things you can watch for before hiring a private investigator.
1. When you spouse keeps their cell phone close to them at all times and puts the privacy lock on their phone. 2. When your spouse keeps their phone on vibrate. 3. When your spouse arrives home late from work. 4. When you spouse acts nervous when asked specific questions. 5.. When your spouse is being distant and argumentative. 6. When your spouse asks for space. 7. When your spouse goes out regularly with friends,. 8. When your spouse alters their work schedule. 9. When your spouse accuses you of cheating. 10. When you spouses bank account expense go up.
Who do I call to hire a private investigator in South Florida?
You can call, text, email or whatsapp, Private Partners Private Investigators at toll free 1-888-249-1992 email us at
If you have any additional questions contacts us consultations are free.